These records consist of letters, with enclosures, from officers serving in the Continental Army, and from Count Charles Hector d'Estaing, vice admiral of the French fleet.
The records from Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, March 28, 1778 - August 19, 1779, concern his offer to serve in the American Army, his assignments, and the command of his corps in New Jersey.
The records from Major General Baron Friedrich von Steuben, September 3, 1777 - May 3, 1785, concern such subjects as his proposals for reorganizing the Army, a report on the enemy's movements in Virginia, the disposition of the Army for an attack on Portsmouth, Virginia, and his claim against the United States.
The records from Major General Baron Johann de Kalb, August 1, 1777 - September 11, 1779, concern such subjects as De Kalb's requests for appointments for himself and other French officers.
The records from Major General Louis Le Bègue du Portail, December 2, 1778 - November 23, 1781, concern such subjects as the defenses of West Point, the problems of the Corps of Engineers and his appointment as its commandant, and the surrender of Charleston to the British.
The records from Brigadier General Charles Armand, the Marquis de la Rouerie, December 28, 1777 - January 18, 1786, concern such subjects as his views on the American Government, his request for promotion, enlarging and reorganizing his corps, and his claim against the United States for his corps and himself.
The records from Brigadier General Ethan Allen, March 9, 1781 concern the transmission of copies of two letters from Beverly Robinson, pleading the loyalist cause and asking for Allen's support.
Finally, the records from Count Charles d'Estaing, vice admiral commanding the French fleet sent to aid the Americans, dated July 8 - September 29, 1778, concern such subjects as signals of recognition between American and French vessels and his differences with General John Sullivan over the Newport expedition.